map of Indonesia

Lihat map of Indonesia di peta yang lebih besar

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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

what the microblogging is it ?

Microblogging ? 
Kedengarannya sih agak asing buat kita yaaa ?
Percaya gak percaya kita sering lho gunain microblogging ini
Trus , apa si Microblogging itu ?
Microblogging adalah suatu blogging tapi dalam bentuk yang lebih kecil dan sederhana dan kapasitas penulisan karakter biasanya di bawah 200 karakter juga memungkinkan penggunanya untuk saling tukar menukar file dalam bentuk ukuran yang kecil ( misal : kalimat singkat , gambar individu , link video ) akan tetapi tujuannya tetap sama yaitu pengguna menulis topik tertentu. Pengguna mikroblog juga dapat memberikan komentar kepada teks pembaharuan yang dibuat oleh pengguna lain dan begitu juga sebaliknya.

Dalam microblogging ada istilah "followers"
followers adalah pengguna atau user lain yang mengikuti microblogging atau blog kita sehingga para followers bisa mengetahui postingan kita dan dapat mengomentarinya.

Trus contoh contoh microblogging apa sih ?
Twitter diluncurkan pada bulan Maret 2006 dan menyeberang ke menggunakan mainstream awal tahun ini (~ Feb 2009) menjadi gila populer dan dipuja oleh selebriti dan media utama.

Tumblr tampaknya telah diukir ceruk berkembang untuk dirinya sendiri menawarkan tumblelogs.
dengan menambahkan waktu grafis micromessages.

 suatu microblogging yang melayani kegiatan feed aggregator dan microblog yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengirim pesan mikro untuk pengikut Anda, itu semacam seperti bertemu FriendFeed Twitter

suatu agregator aktivitas yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengimpor semua layanan berbasis web feed Anda sehingga teman dan anggota keluarga bisa melacak apa yang Anda lakukan secara online.

Itulah sepintas informasi tentang Microblogging 
Selamat Menikmati :)

Anemia Aplastika , apa sih itu ?

Well, Anemia Aplastika adalah suatu gangguan pada sel - sel induk di sumsum tulang yang dapat menimbulkan KEMATIAN.
Pada keadaan Anemia Aplastika , ditemukan PANSITOPENIA 
So , apa sih PANSITOPENIA ? Pansitopenia itu suatu keadaan dimana terdapat penurunan jumlah trombosit, eritrosit dan leukosit.
Secara morfologis, eritrosit terlihat normositik dan normokhrom , hitung retikulosit rendah / hilang , biopsi sumsum tulang menunjukkan hipoplasia yang nyata dan terjadi penggantian dengan jaringan lemak.

Trus , apa sih penyebab Anemia Aplastika?
Penyebabnya ada 2 :
a) Akuisita
    1. Bahan kimia dan fisik, misalnya : benzena, ionising radiation dan obat - obatan
    2. Infeksi : virus tertentu ( hepatitis, dengue), mycobacterium
    3.Idiopatik : chloramphenicol, arsen organik, quanacrine, anti konvulsan, emas
b) Familial : Fanconi's constitutional pancytopenia
    Benzena menghambat sel-sel sumsum tulang untuk mensintesa RNA dan DNA.

Dalam Pemeriksaan Laboratorium didapatkan :
1.  Anemia, leukopenia, dan trombositopenia ( pansitopenia )
2. Apusan Darah Tepi : eritrosit normositik normokhrom, umumnya tak ditemukan ploikhromatik, stippling dan eritrosit berinti
3.  Retikulosit kurang dari normal

Berikut Gambaran Sediaan Apusan Darah Anemia Aplastika :

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

What’s My Name – Rihanna Ft. Drake

Rihanna Ft. Drake

What’s My Name Lyrics

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
whats my name, whats my name

I heard you good with them soft lips
Yeah you know word of mouth
the square root of 69 is 8 something
cuz I’ve been tryna work it out, oooow
good weed, white wine
I come alive in the night time
okay, away we go
only thing we have on is the radio
ooooh, let it play, say you gotta leave
but I know you wanna stay
you just waiting on the track to finish girl
the things we could do in twenty minutes girl
say my name, say my name
wear it out, its getting hot, crack a window, air it out
I can get you through a mighty long day
soon as I go the text you gon right is gon say

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
whats my name, whats my name

Not everybody knows how to work my body
knows how to make me want it
boy you stay up on it
you got that something that keeps me so off balance
baby you’re a challenge, lets explore your talent

hey boy I really wanna see
If you can go downtown with a girl like me
hey boy, I really wanna be with you
cause you just my type
ooh na na na na
I need a boy to really take it over
looking for a girl to put you over
oooooh, oooooh

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
whats my name, whats my name

Baby you got me, ain’t nowhere that I’d be
then with your arms around me
back and forth you rock me
so I surrender, to every word you whisper
every door you enter, I will let you in

You’re so amazing
you took the time to figure me out
that’s why you take me
way past the point of turning me on
you bout to break me
I swear you got me losing my mind

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
whats my name, whats my name

hey boy I really wanna see
If you can go downtown with a girl like me
hey boy, I really wanna be with you
cause you just my type
ooh na na na na
I need a boy to really take it over
looking for a girl to put you over
oooooh, oooooh

hey boy I really wanna see
If you can go downtown with a girl like me
hey boy, I really wanna be with you
cause you just my type
ooh na na na na
I need a boy to really take it over
looking for a girl to put you over
oooooh, oooooh

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BUNAKEN cool tour of North Sulawesi, Indonesia :D


Bunaken is one of Indonesia's most famous diving and snorkeling areas and it draws visitors from all over the world. In addition to banana-shaped Bunaken Island itself, the 890 km2 of marine national park includes the neighboring islands of Manado Tua (a distinctive cone-shaped extinct volcano), Siladen, Montehagen, Nain, and Nain Kecil.
Some 20,000 local inhabitants make their living from the waters in the Bunaken National Marine Park, and this has inevitably led to some conflicts. By and large though, the co-operation between national and local government authorities, conservation groups, business owners and local communities has been very successful here. This has led many to cite Bunaken as a model example of how Indonesia should be preserving its natural marine treasures.

Here are many pictures about the amazing Bunaken :


Another one of the world's best marine tourism in Indonesia , Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua, Indonesia


Indonesia has a very beautiful natural beauty, one of them is Raja Ampat in Papua. This tourist area is the best in the world, either from natural beauty, cultural richness and various kinds of marine life that are here. we are very proud to have known by the Raja Ampat abroad.
Raja Ampat regency is located in a remote area in West Papua but this region of immense million beauty stores under the sea

That a mainstay of the Raja Ampat is the charm and natural resources under the sea. This area is known as a center for tropical natural resources of the world's richest.

This district has 610 islands. Four of them, namely Misool Island, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, is the larger islands. Of all the islands, only 35 inhabited islands. Islands are uninhabited and mostly do not yet have a name.

As the islands, the only inter-island transport and supporting community activities Raja Ampat is a marine transportation. Similarly, to reach Waisai, the district capital. When using the aircraft, first to the city of Sorong. After that, from a trip to Sorong Waisai proceed to sea transportation. Facilities available are fast ships with a capacity of 10, 15, or 30 people. At a cost of approximately Rp. 2 million, Waisai can be reached within 1.5 to two hours.

Raja Ampat is a new district in Indonesia. Located in remote regions of West Papua is only seven years old. In fact, infrastructure is inadequate. To reach the Raja Ampat, travelers must fly to Sorong and then along the sea as far as 71 km to arrive in Raja Ampat.
So amazing, right ? :)

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

BORNEO including the most beautiful island in Indonesia, intending to visit?

the island which is located in East Kalimantan is indeed quite fascinating. This place is located in Berau, which teletak island not far from Tanjung Batu just enough to cross 30 minutes using a Speed ​​Boat.
The island is not far from Derawan there are also quite beautiful island that is Maratua Island, Kakaban Island and Charitable Island
Maratua Island

Kakaban Island    
On this island there are jellyfish that can not sting and there are only 2 places in the world , one in the Philippines (Proud of Indonesia) , so we can swim surrounded by thousands of jellyfish are not dangerous because it is in freshwater because Kakaban Island is shaped like a ring in it , which is the lake with fresh water Amazing is not it?
The island's extraordinary beauty is the Sangalaki Island here we can see the fish roam Pari and also turtles along the beautiful sea water not inferior to the other beachs

 that's very beautiful , isn't it ? :)


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